Ten members from nine (13%) of our clubs responded to our Online Systems Survey (the survey is still open). All but 2 (20%) use online systems. They use online systems for:

Membership Management, Activities Management and Website Editing are all very popular targets for online systems used by 60% of clubs surveyed.
Now here’s the good stuff for you: These are the systems that clubs use:

Six (60%) of respondents said they would like to use more electronic systems. The systems they are interested in using are:
- The 2 clubs that don’t have Membership Management, Activities Management, Committee Management, and Website Editing would like them
- Another 2 clubs would like to further enhance their Activities Management:
- integrate activities management into salesforce or upgrade our current system
- Leader Resources, specifically a list of activities (walks) with information a leader requires to find an activity to lead and offer it themselves
- Skills development, specifically around navigation
- Online forum with other club committees and leaders to discuss club stuff
- image management and route management
- Open Street Maps
- History, photos, maps, walk details, club records.
The wonderful news is that the majority of clubs would like to share their knowledge and experience with other clubs:

Some clubs are also looking for advice so BNSW will set up an online forum to discuss online systems!

Would you like help to manage your club using online systems?
Complete our Online Systems Survey now and join us on 16th May 2023 meeting where Peter Whitely, Northern Rivers Bushwalking Club Membership Officer, will introduce us to Member Jungle membership and activities management system. Registration essential.
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