
Tag Archives | Bushwalking Safety

Remote Area First Aid Course – South Coast Bushwalking Club

Remote Area First Aid Course – South Coast Bushwalking Club

South Coast Bushwalking Club are organising a Remote Area First Aid Course which will be run by Highlands First Aid.

It will be held on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 August in Austinmer (northern suburbs of Wollongong) from 8:30am to 4:30pm (please arrive 8:15am on the first day).

The course will be run by Highlands First Aid. Please register and pay the full cost of the course ($245) to Highlands First Aid here.

HLTAID013 – Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site

The cost of the hall is $24 per person ( payable to SCBW – bank details will be provided).

You will need to bring lunch and snacks for both days (there are kitchen facilities available).

There is an option to sleep overnight at the hall for anyone travelling long distances.

Wear comfortable clothes that are suitable for practical first aid.

For more information contact Belinda at South Coast Bushwalking Club by email –


Kelgoola to Widden Valley Walk Via Mt Corigudgy the Hunter Main Trail and Blackwater Creek, Easter 2023

On Friday ‘Good’ there we stood with the Coricudgy in far sight.
With final tweaks to the packs on our backs – a slight heave left & right.
We bid farewell with a nod and a wink, we’ve got this – you’ll see.
We’re off then – our lungs ‘chock-a-block’ – a rhythmic stride us three.
The grade got steeper, our gait shortened up – we’ve now hit reality.
Saplings appeared, undergrowth thickened and fallen trees hindered the ways.
Firm in our mind the known fact – stored water must last two days.
Then out of the bracken a sign post appeared – Coricudgy or Hunter Main Trail
Swift choice, Hunter Main Trail – we’ll walk the planned distance without fail.
But fail we did with the weight of the carry and our bodies seemly weary.
Shoulder to shoulder saplings now rise from a trail – once compacted and dreary.
The wreckage of fires, storms and land slips resulted in trail passage – a farce.
To think one could walk without blundering step – was knowledge that’s simply sparse.
Short of our target with a great threat of rain ‘n’ the wind with a blistering throe.
Rain it did with the push of time, we were sure our tents would go.
The camp was established at an opportune site, sheltered by a Rocky Bluff.
‘Save for’ an anchor to peg rock or tree – proved our tethering was made of good stuff.
With laboured yawn, quick rub of eyes – our bodies still seemingly aching.
The crisp breath of dawn accompanied our yawn to start our bodies a shaking.
The shrill from the dawn bird gave call to rise and welcome a brand new day.
We crawl from tents onto wet sodden ground, muttering ‘four letter words’ on the way.
Oh Saturday’s rise to bitter blue skies and rain mist that’s already proved dreary.
We stretched and nodded with circular gaze and cursed like Farther O’Leary.
We scoffed some breakfast we stuffed soggy packs, at last we’re ready to ‘roll’.
But delay to the start further stifled our heart and surely did sodden our soul.
Intent on regaining lost time, we now fixed on a better day’s sum.
But there at the ready were trail statuettes – of Myrtle and Wattle and Gum.
T’was fresh water we seek from Coachwood Gully, a spring, 12k’s down the track.
The pace was slowed the further we go‘d – thru vine ‘n’ thistle ‘n’ fern we’d hack.
Now the spilling of ‘springs’ gave joy to our ears as we approached the Coachwood seep.
The joy was short lived – as the water ‘let fall’ was from a level – too distant – too steep.
We scooped trickling water from the trail’s sullied surface – yet not a welcoming blend.
We topped reserves, quenched our thirst – allowing our worries to mend.

With dimming skies/stumbling feet – realising the target – we’d fail.
Oh’ for a camp site that’s rock free & level – we’d raise our arms and hail.
There we stood, peering ahead as much as the landscape allowed.
But no such site availed itself, aside from the Hunter Main Trail, whose timbered
growth would stand steadfast and form a protective shroud.
By torchlight that night we circled the ‘wagons’ and discussed our ambitious campaign.
The first to wake would summon the ‘rally’ – without further voice of disdain.
While agreement was made to break camp early – before the hint of ‘first light’.
The Moon’s outstretched fingers, had traced on the ground – Easter Sunday’s delight.
In respect of belief we paused to give thanks then shared our eggs around.
But we refrained from tradition to hide the eggs, simply placing them on a mound.
Breaking camp, quick check of the map to ensure matching numbers we yearn.
Off we strode thru the eerie blue light – towards the ‘point of no return’.
With reserved excitement, quick glance around, we gave the Garmin a check.
A tentative voice was heard to say, not far, just up ahead, I think we’ve got it by heck.
The point to exit the Hunter Main Trail into a gully – so timbered – oh so steep.
A route devoid of direction – down to the banks of Blackwater Creek.
Marking our exit with a ribbon or two we also recorded, grid reference.
Over the ledge us – one two three, to centre the gully was preference.
We gazed around and then looked down to see what we had encountered.
Confirming the grade that we would battle was not one, for the fainthearted.
Many trees had fallen due to rot and decay, thus exposing Tuff’s Rock and grass.
But the rocks were loose and the grass was slippery – we promptly fell onto our brass.
To slow down descent we used our packs to drag tracks and act as a temporary brake.
At each opportune moment we’d slowly rise (some tears in our eyes) – to pluck the burrs
from our arse.
With a grade 1 in 6 and narrowing rock shelves the pace slowed to just a dawdle.
The descriptive expression of some sections to pass – shall remain for all time inaudible.
There lying in wait was a silent bait, covering ground and rock and tree.
Discreet by nature, grey green lichen was defying the eyes to see.
Just add moisture nature declared – to find how slippery it be.
Down we went like bags of spuds to injure, a shoulder, a cheek, a knee.
Counting our blessings we assembled again and continued to the rocky ledge,
A quick ‘memory refresh’ of an abseil book, a plan was hatched, with a ‘sign of the cross’
and a pledge.

Ropes were produced to conquer the ledge, first lowering each backpack down.
Two sets of eyes then gazed on me; I stuttered and agreed with a frown.
We will let you go first, the lightest you be, best to test our knot.
I swung like a pendulum in a grandfather’s clock, when all the slack was got.
The ropes a ‘bit short’ was my retort, realising my feet hadn’t reached the ground.
A quick adjust that saved the day and a bit of a thud when my feet were finally found.
The lasting sweep towards Blackwater Creek was slow but worthy of ‘thy’.
Giant sandstone boulders, long narrow crevasse and a rock face seeking the sky.
With gully bed seemingly narrow, while bordered with sickening vine.
Backpacks required removal, with body and shoulders aligned.
Water increased around our feet that flowed with gathering tempo.
The gully meandered around every bend and dropped into every hollow.
We pushed and shoved dead branches, we skidded on rolling rocks.
The gully bed slowly widened, in short – we had smiles like Goldilocks.
Then was heard the rigorous churning of water flowing afore us.
The mountains sent streams into Blackwater Creek; in parts – nearing ‘full flush’.
Wounded bodies with tempered minds, we finally broke vision upon her, where
time stood still, as we endorsed our will – for the past 3 k’s were tough.
The joy of our meeting enormous, emotions running high, us three blokes in the rough.
She looked so sleek in her movement, her swish ‘n’ sway, with very impressive sass.
While her stream was wide, her banks either side were narrow and tricky to pass.
Again time was against us, we simply failed to complete – the best of a good days walk.
We elected to camp ‘on a snug little spot’ as there was nothing, elsewhere we’d gawked.
Around camp that night we discussed our plight with concerns of what lay before us.
Day 3’s poor achievement, 4k’s out of 9, gave cause for a curse and a cuss.
We rested that night the best we could, with a sloping site and our bodies worse for wear.
At dawn’s first light we peered down the stream and lamented the scene awaiting us there.
Oh blackwater creek you’re coursing’s unique, befitting the terrain that surrounds yee.
The carving you trace over each rapid’s race makes us proud to have finally found thee.
Fallen trees of ancient descent, once so grand ‘n’ noble, are now strewn across your way.
Large battered boulders embedding the sand like warriors defying the fray.
Your carry of water was swift and deep with bottomless pools in the hiding.
To conquer your route, one could not walk your bed, as the sand defied solid striding.
Your banks were steep with toes in the creek and access either side, concealing.
Straddling of boulders, clinging to branches proved clear-cut approach unappealing.

Blackwater Creek ‘oh’ Black water creek what is it from us that you seek.
We pursue you with kindness, we treat you with care, we wonder at your mystique.
Oh you treat us so cruelly, we think you unfair and sometimes you don’t really care.
Is this your true nature or healing you seek from treatment of our forebears.
Why is your water so black so bleak are you bleeding from what lies beneath.
Your name is befitting of the stealth you display, with the obstacles you bequeath.
You flow at will, with regular spill around hazards that are well connected.
You flow thru the groin of thighs, so high, so steep; your secrets are well protected.
Over three days we criss-crossed your flows with varying degrees of success.
On one occasion my legs disappeared into a seemingly sandy abyss.
I eagerly called for assistance, exclaiming I think I’ve got troubles – and
If you don’t pull me out any time soon I think you’ll be looking for bubbles.
Time after time we climbed your slopes to conquer the obstacles bestowed us.
The slopes themselves were a footprint to hell with a view that certainly feared thus.
With thickets of vine grass as high as our thigh and dense scrub obstructing our eye.
Walking was clumsy and hindered by holes and rocks and stumps and logs that lie.
Progress around and along your slopes was agonising and deliberate
Each step performed like a Kremlin guard, lift, stretch, place, transfer the weight
Lift, stretch, place, transfer the weight to stamp ‘n’ pack – swards of vine and grass.
Sweat drips, shirt rips, spill of blood running in silence – an unbearable way to pass.
Lawyer Vine – Oh Lawyer Vine I never knew you existed.
You lay in wait for each weary step with a plan that is utterly twisted.
You run at length upon the ground, hidden in bracken and grass.
You flourish on shrubs with low hanging branches thus blocking our chances to pass.
You invade the canopy of your surrounds and cling with fishhook fingers.
You have no place in this garden of lace – better suited where the Devil lingers.
You’d grab our ankles you’d grab our arms you’d noose our neck our packs.
You let us stride till the tension applied – then you jerked our bodies back.
Step by step we’d fight you off with an angst we failed to surmount.
Over & over we’d tumble & fall into a drunken sprawl – t’was too many times to account.
Ah – quick thoughts of ‘tracks’ with mown grass, all edged with a border of fern.
The weight on our hearts could not be defined on approach round every turn.
The burden on body – the burden on mind – a torment from nature herself.
For the realisation of any such ‘track’ – was ephemeral fiction with stealth.

Over the next three days we battled the maze, with our supplies now running low.
3k’s a day was the best we could make – on the map, really nothing to show.
Our last camp was kind‘a solemn, with pain of injuries that may long-term affect us.
We opened our tents, dragged our bodies thru, and managed to gain Homo Erectus.
Microwaves up and microwaves down – the heavens abuzz with concern.
The message of reply to our welfare – gave no confidence of an upturn.
The garmin seekers, still wearing sneakers, squirmed with disbelief.
Authorities of high degree were let know and offered standby relief.
On the seventh day we were advised we’d be met by a welcoming party.
Quick thoughts of the words, we’ve got your back, felt warm and kind of hearty.
The welcoming team arrived, to our surprise having drinks and food and face washers.
We shook hands and hugged the bad things we shrugged and continued in boots, with the
sound of wet galoshes.
In our quest for success there was never a ‘wrong’ decision made, but one must say, some
were more character building than others.
For must I declare, the days of steep climb, the days of wet clothes, the days of lawyer vine,
were likened to – ’10 rounds’- with Jimmy Carruthers.
In agreeing to walk Blackwater Creek I couldn’t tell if I’ve opened the door to heaven or hell.
If there’s a God in heaven then I’m fairly sure he’s got it in for me, right now I think I can tell
Memories – Oh Memories of events that were bestowed us
I remember the washed out drains that prevented car access at start
I remember first sight with some delight when we first encountered Hunter main
I remember the regrowth that nature provided to recover from the human zoo
I remember first night at the camping site, the blistering wind and the rain
I remember the end of each walking day to feel defeat in one’s toiling heart
I remember the leadership when moods were low, ‘triangular method’ as we all had a go
I remember the moments on Easter Sunday as we gave thanks in a personal way
I remember the scents and the sounds that enlivened true enjoyment in me
I remember descent into Blackwater Creek the experience beggars’ belief
I remember the slips, trips and falls and consoling laughter that fell upon deaf ears
I remember the ‘labels’ we each had carried, like “three points” “wombat” and “stirrer”
I remember the eerie calls at night, not knowing on foot or by flight – and
I remember at night the perils encountered – just for the need to pee,
I remember each morning the shock on my feet, when sliding into – sandy wet socks
I remember the sheer frustration on faces of those with lingering pain
I remember no ill word was ever spoken, just a need to grin and refrain – and
I remember the flak, that I got back, on saying – “just follow the water/ just follow the water”,
whenever the garmin was showed

They say good friends are made in times when the going gets tough
They say good friends are made of, generally bloody good stuff
They say good friends can see through the limits and faults of others
I ask you then, who you think will remain good friends if ‘dark fortune’ should shine upon us
In the safeguarding of pride, real names I would hide, as the intent was not to claim fame.
But for the sake of this story, if you must apply glory, then refer to Eric & Wayne & Graham
While feeling pretty chuffed and proud that we had walked, from where we once started,
came a whispering voice from the cool of the creek, “I warned you it was not for the faint
We thank those who assisted, we thank those who collected and we thank those waiting at
With apprehension, a little tension, we thank Mother Nature herself, in a kind’a guarded tone.
When describing to others the thrill of the walk they listened with a sense of boon.
Then befalls the age old question, – now that you’ve done it, would you do it again.
Well….with a lingering breath and a laboured sigh, I proclaim with this reply!

Hell Yes…..that was only the RECCY!!

The Bush Club

Hidden Sydney – Balmain, Monday 18 July 2022, Col Prentice and Trevor McAlister

A total of 25 Bush Club participants discovered Hidden Sydney while walking from Circular Quay to Circular Quay via Balmain and the ferry. Participants benefited from the combined expertise of two experienced leaders/historians while walking around this most interesting of Sydney’s suburbs. Col Prentice lead the morning session and Trevor McAlister lead after lunch.

Our walk was mostly on pavement and explored places in Balmain that we probably hadn’t been to before while alerting us to traces of history that still remain visible today. There was a brief commentary and plenty of opportunity to stroll and reflect on Sydney’s past.

Highlights of the walk included a widows’ walk, a tram drivers’ dunny, a policeman’s out-house, a house of a former NSW Premier (he sired 17 children and married at 80; can you guess who?), a cross harbour tunnel built in 1924, a place celebrated for the first game of Rugby League played, a spectacularly fine day, a sea voyage, a bus ride and a happy, outgoing and generous group of people. All this and more could have been yours if you had taken the opportunity to join us. And remember, twelve panes of glass equals one Georgian cottage and regular exercise equals longevity. We all look forward to seeing you next time!

Our August Club: The Bush Club

The Bush Club started on 19th September 1939, mainly as a result of the initiative of Marie Byles and Paddy Pallin. Marie was concerned that the rather rigorous tests to obtain entry to bush walking clubs existing at the time excluded genuine lovers of the bush who were unwilling or unable to pack walk and camp out overnight. Marie believed that the essential qualifications for members should be a genuine love of the bush, a desire to protect it and a willingness to extend the hand of friendship to other bushwalkers.

Paddy had similar motivation in joining with Marie to form the club. He hoped the club would comprise walkers of moderate ability who would not be forced to indulge in camping if they had no wish to do so. Paddy was also strongly of the view that if people became bushwalkers they would also become lovers of the bush and would join the ranks of the conservationists seeking its protection. These thoughts remain the main aim of the Bush Club.

Today The Bush Club organises fun activities in the outdoors. From easy strolls to the adrenaline tough walks; from lakes to mountains; and from the city to the magical bush. The Club believes that getting outdoors and enjoying the wonderful bush around us is a great boost for the body and soul.

Joining The Bush Club is a great way to meet new people and make great friends. Club members are a diverse and friendly bunch who share experiences, learn new things and help each other along the way.


Sydney Bush Walkers

A Week of Walks, Kosciuszko National Park, Christmas/New Year 2021/22, Sydney Bush Walkers, Report by John Kennett, Photos by John Pozniak

Between Christmas and New Year 2021/22 myself and thirty other members of Sydney Bush Walkers (SBW) travelled, walked and gathered on the trails and in the ski-lodges of beautiful Kosciuszko National Park.

Every day we embarked on a different walk and were rewarded with the sight of brilliant blue skies, beautiful weather and voluminous wildflowers. Among the fantastic locations we visited were the Iconic Trails, Mt Twynham, Ramshead, Dead Horse Gap, Guthega, Mt Anton and Mt Tate.

To cap off a successful week our visit concluded with 2022 New Year’s Eve celebrations which were thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Our March Club: Sydney Bush Walkers

Our club of the month, Sydney Bush Walkers is one of Australia’s largest and oldest Bushwalking Clubs. SBW was founded in 1927 and has a membership of around 850.

The club offers challenging day and multi-day walks including extended 12 day (or more) trips.  Canyoning is a very popular club activity in the warmer months.

SBW volunteer trip leaders are experienced walkers who aim to maximise members enjoyment of the outdoors while also ensuring the safety of all walkers. While SBW leaders foster group co-operation participants are also expected to be self-sufficient to ensure that all members cope with walk conditions and challenges that arise.

While the Sydney Bushies provide a range of bush experiences, they also offer a great social network of like minded, outdoorsy types. A SBW membership provides a unique opportunity for bush lovers to develop skills, increase confidence and meet new like-minded friends!

The club holds monthly information nights for people who are considering joining (book here). For more information visit the SBW website or Facebook Page.



Watagan Wanderers Bushwalking Club

3 day hike, Barrington Tops NP, February 2022, Watagan Wanderers Bushwalking Club, Report & Images David Whyte

This hike was meant to be down Paterson’s Gorge but the predicted rain made that walk too dangerous. A nice alternative in the same area, and one we have done before, was to walk to Selby Alley hut and do a day walk from there around Edwards Swap.

The walk starts up with a steady climb up the Corker trail. The tall trees of the ancient beech forest add a lovely atmosphere to this walk and in summer offer a lot of shade. We have done this walk in winter where you are enclosed by mist. The lunch time break offers a magnificent view of Carey Peak in the distance which was our destination the next day

As we reached the top of the Corker track and it started to level out, we kept our eye out for a special dead tree marking the slightly hidden track to Selby Alley hut. It felt magical as we followed this secret path through dense forest, and then spotted the hut sitting just across from a beautiful stream that was softly meandering through sub tropical rainforest past the hut to nearby Basden Falls. We arrived at the hut mid afternoon giving us plenty of time to set up our tents and collect firewood. Despite being summer it was quite cool.

Leaving our tents up we set off the next day for a 20km walk around Edwards Swamp stopping at Careys Peak on the way. The clear morning offered stunning views over the valley below and the ridge that the Corker Trail follows. We spotted a few feral horses during the day and were saddened by how much broom there was growing; The Aeroplane hill track was quite dense in some areas. We cooked our dinner out in the open next to the fire and during the night the rain started to set in. We returned to our cars the next day via the corker trail in mist and listened to the sounds of lyre birds as we descended.

Our February Club: Watagan Wanderers Bushwalking Club

The Watagan Wanderers was established in the early 90s to meet the needs of people in The Central Coast, Lake Macquarie and Newcastle areas. It has an active program of providing day and multiday hikes over most of Australia and overseas. Though, since Covid the walks have become much more local. The club also has keen cycling, kayaking and abseiling groups. Our program can be found on our website.

Southern Highlands Bushwalkers

Mount Jellore, Nattai National Park, Southern Highlands Bushwalkers

A recent walk that Southern Highlands Bushwalkers managed to slot between various lockdowns was a hike up Mt Jellore in Nattai National Park. It had been couple of years since the Club had been on the Mount Jellore Walk as it has only recently re-opened after the bushfires.

There is a short walk to a rocky outcrop where you get the first view of the mountain, then a steep drop to a creek, followed by a steep walk up to the fire trail that leads to the base of Mt Jellore. From there it is a zig zag track up to the summit. There is now a lot of waist high regrowth. The trig at the top had survived the fires and from the peak you can see Sydney on a clear day. We took the alternative route back to the start which also involved a drop down to a creek followed by a climb back out.

Nattai NP offers beautiful wilderness and rugged walking experiences. The park is conveniently located close to several towns and features spectacular scenery and landscapes including sandstone cliffs, rainforests and woodlands. Walks in Nattai NP include Couridjah Corridor, Mount Jellore, Starlight’s or Nattai River.

Our January Club: Southern Highlands Bushwalkers

Southern Highlands Bushwalkers is an outdoor activities club which develops friendships through exploring natural wilderness and National Parks. The Club endeavours to plan activities to suit the needs of both individuals and families. Club activities range from short day walks to overnight backpacking hikes and car camp out weekends. However, other special activities may also be included in the Club’s programme.

The Club was formed in 1990 as the Highland Adventurers then underwent a name change to become the Southern Highlands Bushwalkers (Inc) in 1994. Since inception, membership has grown to about 60 and the members hail from as far afield as Palm Beach in the north to Goulburn in the south.

Southern Highlands Bushwalkers holds activities in the Mittagong, Bowral, Berrima area of the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. This area has a great diversity of flora and fauna and access to many national parks and forested areas. Most of the local area is undulating to steep, easy walks are very few and a reasonable standard of fitness is required.

The worn Sydney sandstone of the area offers some many interesting and beautiful windblown features with views from ridges into valleys, creeks and gullies. These offer glimpses of lush cool rain forest, eroded sculptured landscapes and stunning views down the valleys formed by the rivers such as the Nattai.

The club offers mostly day walks from moderately easy to strenuous with a range of overnight backpacks or car camps and the occasional trips to more distant destinations. Off track walking may be through thick and difficult vegetation which requires experience and good navigation skills. The Club also does coastal walks, mainly in the Illawarra as well as some on Sydney Harbour.



Bankstown Bushwalking Club

FAULCONBRIDGE – VICTORY TRACK – NUMANTIA FALLS – MAGDALA CREEK – SPRINGWOOD, Saturday 23 October 2021, Report by Lynda Paju, Bankstown Bushwalking Club

A group of nine keen fully vaccinated walkers from Bankstown Bushwalkers gladly emerged from lockdown to enjoy the bush together again. Not being sure of fitness levels after such a long time confined to local areas, they returned to a favourite part of the amazing Blue Mountains. Spirits were high as walkers reconnected with old Club friends and organised a car shuttle at the start of the walk.

Before long they were enjoying each other’s company and a gentle descent along Sassafras creek. Despite fairly recent rains in Sydney there wasn’t a large volume of water in the waterfalls and the tracks were dry. They passed Clarinda Falls before taking a side trip to Numantia Falls for morning tea.

Numantia Falls


A leisurely lunch break at a lovely swimming hole near the Glenbrook Creek junction provided a chance for interesting conversation. A couple of party members even braved the icy creek waters for an extremely invigorating and refreshing swim! Of course, after heading down the creeks they had to head walk back up again. The walk up Magdala Creek was a fairly gentle ascent and the party paused at Martins Falls and Magdala Falls for short breaks on the way.

After a successful walk the party happily stopped for the traditional coffee and cake on the way home.

The general consensus was that the Club must go back on this walk again after more rain! After such a long period where people couldn’t get out and walk together the Club is now planning a lot of day walks, abseiling trips and other great activities. It is certainly going to be a busy summer for the Bankswalking Bushwalking Club!

Our December Club: Bankstown Bushwalking Club

Our club of the month Bankstown Bushwalking Club currently has just under 150 members. Bankstown Bushwalking Club prides itself on being friendly and inclusive. The Club offers walks at all grades from easy, social beginner walks through to multi-day, challenging and exploratory walks. The Club also offers abseiling training, canyoning, caving and multi-pitch abseiling trips.

Established in 1980, the Bankstown Bushwalking Club attracts members from all over Sydney. The Club’s program is published each quarter and short notice walks are advertised to members by email.

Bankstown Bushwalking Club has a Facebook Group and interested walkers are encouraged to join so they can get a feel for the Club. The Club also encourages interested people to do a couple of walks as a visitor to decide if they want to join or not. Please note that abseiling activities are restricted to fully paid Club members only.


Blue Mountains Conservation Society

Various Bushwalks, Blue Mountains and surrounds, Words by Doug Nicholls, Blue Mountains Conservation Society.
A typical lunch break, sitting under an overhang enjoying the view. This particular walk was on the Undercliff Track Wentworth Falls which is often done as a circuit with the Charles Darwin Walk and the Conservation Hut.
The Grand Canyon Circuit is a very popular family walk. If you only have time for one walk, this one is a good choice for a classic Blue Mountains experience.
Dargan Arch

Dargan Arch in the upper Blue Mountains is an amazing natural sandstone arch in a gorge and an easy walk from carparking. To get to the bottom and under the Arch requires a little more effort but is well worth it.

Our November Club: Blue Mountains Conservation Society

The Blue Mountains Conservation Society (BMCS) has 330 bushwalking members who enjoy walking in amazing locations in the Blue Mountains and surroundings.

Blue Mountains Conservation Society has weekly bushwalks to suit a range of abilities held on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  The Club’s walk details can be found on the BMCS website where the activity subsection will invite new walkers. BMCS also has a monthly Plant Study Group.

October 2021 was special as the Blue Mountains Conservation Society celebrated its 60th Birthday.

Armidale Bushwalkers – 2020 Walks Report (extract)

2020 WALKS REPORT (extract), Armidale Bushwalkers






Like many, Armidale Bushwalkers 2020 walks program got off to a very slow start.

The Club held a one day walk in January around Point Lookout with five members. The smoke from fires still lingered in the valley below Wrights Lookout although where we walked had not been burnt.

In February the Club held a one day walk in the Sunnyside area with five members present while the Secretary was away in Tasmania.

During March the Club had two day walks with dates swapped and the outcome that neither walk went ahead. A weekend walk was organized for a Friday and Saturday later in March which meant that a number of members including the Secretary were unable to participate in the walk. The walk was to be the last for many months as the COVID crisis forced everyone into lock down. Walks were cancelled and the garden never looked better when the lockdown ended in late May.

The Club got together at Gara Gorge at the end of May and discussed walks for the winter months. A short walk along the Threlfall Track helped everyone shake off the lockdown blues and get back into shape for the winter walks. The first walk for the winter was to the summit of Mount Duval and camping near the trig with twelve participants. A wet start on the Sunday meant we were back at the cars and home for lunch.

On the following Sunday twelve members enjoyed a day walk traversing the summit of Mount Yarrowyck.

July saw quite a few walks cancelled due to weather and leaders having other commitments. Four members joined an unscheduled half day walk on the first Sunday in July in the Long Point area. See remainder of walks report here.

Our Club of the Month: Armidale Bushwalking Club

Armidale Bushwalking Club was formed in late 2004 and has approximately 50 members. The Club run walks once a fortnight – usually there’s one or two day trips and a more challenging backpack walk once a month. The Club also brings people together to organise their own trips – from an afternoon stroll to extended overseas backpack trip.

The Club is developing a loose association between clubs surrounding Guy Fawkes river- a kind of “Fawkes Fraternity” to share programs, ideas and trips including with Inverell Bushwalking Club, Clarence Valley Bushwalkers and Ulitarra Conservation Society.

Joining a  group such as Armidale Bushwalking Club is a good way to get started in bushwalking as you can borrow gear from the Club’s store, find out about great places to walk, share costs and ideas and, most importantly, walk safely with experienced walkers.  Club membership gives you access to walks with all of the NSW Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs, and excellent Public Liability and Personal Accident insurance.

Armidale Bushwalkers welcome new members and hope to see you on the track!